The Eros Haiku Series
In December, 2006 Hugh Bygott and Dana-Maria Onica started a series of non-linked haiku on subject of Eros (Love) on the simply_haiku Yahoo haiku group. The following is the archives of this series (maintained by Vaughn Seward).
Eros Kigo List:
Zhanna P. Rader maintains the list of kigo that appear in the Eros Haiku series.
Photos of Eros Contributors:
Hortensia Anderson
Billie Dee
Tanya Dikova
Michele Harvey
Betty Kaplan
Carole MacRury
Shanna Moore
Rita Odeh
Dana-Maria Onica
Cecelia Quentin-Webb
Zhanna P. Rader
Kala Ramesh
Trish Sheilds
Terry A. Steudlein
Johnye Strickland
Robert Wilson
Photos not Available for the following contributors:
- Hugh Bygott
- Lewis Sanders